Exhibition Openings - Sawmillers & Meroogal

The installation “Bush Tucker Doesn’t use Plastic” has been selected for Sculpture at Sawmillers McMahons Point. The exhibition will be opened by Quinten Bryce 3.30pm Saturday 17 September, until Sunday 25 September, otherwise the sculptures are on view in Sawmillers Reserve by the Harbour.

The lime wash pink hands “Ten Maids a-Making,” made with Mandy Burgess, has been selected finalist Meroogal Womens Art Prize.

“Selected works will be displayed throughout the house and garden of Meroogal – a [two storey weatherboard] Gothic house in Nowra that was home to four generations of women from the Thorburn and MacGregor families. Artists were invited to create works that respond to the house, the garden and the collection of objects, throwing new light on the personal stories of the people who lived there”. Sydney living Museums 

Mandy and I highlighted the daily work the women at Meroogal did by hand: sewing, cooking, working in the dairy.

The exhibition opens Saturday 24 September in Nowra, on exhibition until 28 January 2017.