Over October Ro and artists Jane Gillings, Dean Sewell and David Cragg, were featured in the public art exhibition ART FOR THE PLANET at Darling Quarter, curated and produced by aMBUSH Gallery.
Ro’s work sort to expose the ongoing and often hidden destruction of wilderness areas caused by long wall coal mining. The sculpture/paintings Banksia sculptorii and Araucaria explorii , oil on plywood, are a fusion of human and tree. They represent Rae and Yuri Bolotin, whose property is opposite Wollemi National Park, adjoining the Garden of Stones National Park. And the river ran black…a work of mixed media on paper – features drawings that interpret Yuri’s mapping project , where notable landforms in the garden of stones is given a presence by naming them, to help preserve this world Heritage Wilderness from destruction.
The river ran black
Araucaria explorii